Tools and Processes
Progressions, protocols and rubrics support the design of deep learning and ways to provide conditions that foster deep learning.
The Learning Design Protocol guides the design of deep learning experiences through a series of prompts. It anchors discussion about design elements for the deep learning process.
The Deep Learning Progressions provide a description of the dimensions of each competency and possible pathways for student progress. The progression is used to assess strengths and needs for designing the learning. They are also used to monitor progress and to evaluate development along the progression.
The Learning Design Rubric is a tool to assess the quality of the learning design and make improvements in design that will accelerate or deeper future learning.
The System Conditions Rubric identifies the conditions that are needed to support the mobilization of deep learning across all schools in the district, state , province, country or education system.
The Cluster Conditions Rubric identifies the conditions that are needed to support a transformation to deep learning across all schools.
The School Conditions Rubric identifies the conditions that need to be in place to shift practices to deep learning.
Conditions for Deep Learning
This set of rubrics are tools to assess, monitor and evaluate the level of conditions needed to mobilize deep learning in schools, clusters and education systems.