The NPDL Distinction Pathways are an opportunity for Teachers and Schools to become formally recognized for their contributions to growing the NPDL Global Network.
While recognizing individual and School contributions, we are also seeking to mobilize and accentuate the broader impact of NPDL, fostering the depth of thinking and action across our Partnership.
Information and Background
Process and Timeline:
The opportunity to engage in the Distinction Pathways Process is now open. At this time, there will be no cost associated with participation.
Teachers, Schools and Districts can register by clicking the button below or via surveymonkey link:
Registrants will be asked to provide the following information:
- Name
- School (District)
- Role
- length of time involved in NPDL
- sector
- Supervisor Name (a letter will be sent to the supervisor as well)
- Supervisor position
- Supervisor email (supervisors will be asked to sign off on all evidence/artifacts)
Upon registration participants will be provided a link to the relevant Distinction Pathway template.
See Below for Distinction Pathway Templates.
Please save the template to your device. We recommend filling in the templates using Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (free) which is available to download here
Timeline for submission of relevant artifacts:
This process is self driven and monitored. Individuals/organizations will be responsible for collecting and saving artifacts and evidence that indicate that they have successfully met the criteria for their chosen pathway. Please save artifacts in the cloud (Google drive, OneDrive etc.) and link to them from the document template (see below for Distinction Pathway Templates). Please then email your competed template to Max Drummy or Mag Gardner
*NOTE: Recipients of the distinction pathway are normally recognized at the Global Deep Learning Lab. Therefore, the deadline for submission changes annually. Contact Max Drummy or Mag Gardner to learn about specific submission deadlines.
Letters of Recognition:
Participants will receive letters of recognition, a certificate of distinction, and digital badging.
Distinction Pathway Requirements:
Distinction is determined by completing all elements of the chosen pathway.
Teachers, Schools, Districts and Clusters must show evidence of the following activities/contributions:
Global Deep Learning Teachers:
- Contribute exemplars locally
- Participate in exemplar moderation process locally
- Participate in a Collaborative Inquiry Practice based on one or more of the NPDL tools and/or processes
- Submit a 2-5 minute video of Deep Learning in their classroom
- Contribute to the global network (e.g. host webinar, podcast, present at regional or global DLL, write a blog)
Global Deep Learning Schools:
- Conduct school-wide exemplar moderation
- Contribute exemplars to cluster/district process
- Participate in inter-school moderation
- Participate in a cross school Virtual Collaborative Inquiry
- Contribute to the global network (e.g. host visits, mentor a school, present, host
or webinars, write blogs…)
Global Deep Learning Districts or Clusters:
- Conduct inter-school moderation
- Contribute exemplars to the global moderation
- Participate in global exemplar moderation
- Participate in a Virtual Collaborative Inquiry: cluster/district conditions
- Contribute to the global network (e.g. presentations, blogs, hosting visitors)
Notes regarding Collaborative Inquiries:
Collaborative Inquiries should be based on the NPDL Collaborative Inquiry Cycle. They necessarily involve at least two individuals or organizations investigating and reporting back on impact or outcomes resulting from explicit use of NPDL Tools and Processes.
Teacher Collaborative Inquiry:
This level of inquiry should focus on how the use of one (or more) of the NPDL Tools or Processes has deepened learning; either for students or teachers. Applicants may choose to collaborate with another teacher in their own school, or might work with a colleague from outside their own direct context.
School Collaborative Inquiry:
This level of inquiry should focus on how the use of one (or more) of the NPDL Tools or Processes has deepened learning across one or more schools at student, teacher, leadership or community level. This Inquiry may require connecting to other contexts virtually. The scope of the connections ranges from local to global.
District or Cluster Collaborative Inquiry:
This level of inquiry should focus on how the use of the School and/or District Conditions Rubrics has deepened learning across the District/Cluster at student, teacher, leadership or community level.
Guidelines for Supervisors:
We are deeply grateful to those of you who are willing to act as supervisors in the Distinction Pathways process. Supervisors are key partners. They are responsible for quality assurance and verifying the authenticity of the applicant’s body of work. As a supervisor, please review the artifacts for submission. When you are satisfied that they provide robust and authentic evidence of an applicant’s powerful engagement in deep learning, and contributions back to the Global Network, please sign off on their submission.
Any queries or clarifications can be made via email to:
Max Drummy: [email protected]
Previous Submissions
Congratulations to Cindy Macomber,
from Chatham Elementary School
Distinction Pathways are one of the ways we recognise the outstanding work done in schools and classrooms across our partnership and the way that that work expands our global knowledge base.. This year we are recognising Cindy Macomber from Chatham Elementary School in Massachusetts. Cindy engaged in a huge variety of activities, from classroom teaching and learning , including outreach into Ukraine, closing achievement gaps and preparing learners for a powerful future, developing student agency, and creating learning environments that are inclusive, safe and connected.
Cindy’s “Cards of Hope for Ukraine” Learning Experience here
Hear Cindy explain this project on oYuTube here: