Deep Learning and the Brain – Dr Jean Clinton
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Many of us have had the privilege to hear and talk to Dr Jean Clinton @DrJeanforkids
Listen in to her in conversation with Jennifer Atienzo-Fisher, Director of Marketing & Communications at Fort Wayne Community Schools.
2019 Global Deep Learning Lab Social Media Feed
/0 CommentsGood at Learning and Good at Life
2019 DLL Social Media feed…thanks to all that contributed!
2019 Global Deep Learning Lab
/0 CommentsGood at Learning and Good at Life
Program OUT
The program for our 2019 Global Deep Learning Lab in Toronto is live and available here.
We invite you on a journey to the powerfully possible. Join the global deep learning network as we meet to share transformative solutions for creating a world where all kids cultivate meaning, well-being, and relevance in the classroom and beyond.
Join our Global Directors Michael Fullan, Joanne Quinn and Joanne McEachen, along with thought leaders Jal Mehta and Dr Jean Clinton, and our “Deep Disruptors” Miguel Brechner, Wendy Robinson, Margot McKeegan and Tom D’Amico.
Hear from teachers, leaders and learners across over 20 insight sessions.
We would love to see you in Toronto!
November 11 and 12
Pre and Post Conference sessions available.
Well-being and Deep Learning – What we know
/5 CommentsThe Global Competencies for Deep Learning, or the 6 Cs, are the skill sets each and every student needs in order to flourish in today’s complex world. Building these competencies forms the foundation of our work.
The New Pedagogies for Deep Learning Global Team recently collaborated with Dr Jean Clinton, a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences at McMaster University in Hamilton, and her colleague, Stephen De Groot.
Together we identified what’s happening in a young person’s brain when it’s engaged in learning and then considered how fostering conditions, environments and practices that promote deep learning can support mental health and well-being.
Three themes emerged from our collaboration:
• First, students need to feel safe: emotionally, physically, socially, and mentally
• Second, they need to feel significant – that they are worthy and their ideas are worth listening to
• Lastly, students need to feel a sense of purpose, knowing why they are here and that their contributions can make an impact
Deep Learning experiences aim to bring these three conditions to the fore and help children become their best selves.
New Pedagogies for Deep Learning is a Global Partnership of over 1300 schools in 8 countries. We work with clusters and networks of schools to build knowledge and practices that develop deep learning and foster whole system change. We are joined by families, teachers, school leaders and policy makers worldwide who are seeking ways to transform pedagogies and strengthen the conditions that enable deep learning.
Uruguay digs deep into data.
/0 CommentsUruguay digs deep into data.
On the back of our latest Global Report we wanted to share some more new measures data collected by our Uruguay Cluster.
Over the last three years, Claudia and her team have collected a significant amount of data across all aspects of NPDL. In this report (**note the translate option in the top right corner of the site for an English version) they share some insights into the growth and reach of NPDL across Uruguay. As at June 30, 2018:
- 270 schools have used the school conditions rubric and shared the results to the central data portal SEA
- 1359 teachers have used the Learning Progressions to assess student competencies
- 29903 students have been evaluated using learning progressions
- 80546 individual evaluations of students have been made
There is also an interesting interactive graphic showing engagement with the 6 C’s over 3 years, and an indication of the expansion of NPDL across CEIP – Elementary Schools, CES – Secondary Schools, and CETP – Vocational Education Schools.
A shout out and congratulations to the Uruguay Cluster for Growing and embedding the work so significantly.
We look forward to seeing you soon at your Regional DLL In Montevideo!
View the full report here:
New Pedagogies for Deep Learning 2018 Global Report
/0 CommentsCelebrating our Global Learning Partnership
2018 NPDL Global Report
This report shares insights, evidence of impact, global and local trends from across our 7 NPDL countries.
Download Global Report
As NPDL continues to grow both in numbers and in relation to the capacity of engaged students, teachers, school and wider school system leaders, parents, and the other members of its diverse global communities, deep learning continues to have a greater impact on the lives of
learners both in school and beyond. Additional capacity building supports are making a difference not only for newly engaged participants but for all, and with each new year of engagement participating clusters are identifying and embedding new pedagogies and approaches that successfully develop deep learning competencies.
Read about 10 Ways to get to Deep Learning Heaven, Collective Capacity Building, and A New Look for New Measures.