DLL 2018 Thought Leaders
/0 CommentsOur April Global Deep Learning Lab in Vancouver, Canada is rapidly approaching.
Read about some of the thought leaders on the program engage the world change the world.
Download the full details here
and register here: http://bit.ly/DLL18REG
Early Bird rates for NPDL members have been extended to February 16.
Michael Fullan: The Critical Importance of Deep Learning for Students – Podcast
The Critical Importance of Deep Learning for Students
The Consortium for Educational Change http://www.cecweb.org recently sat down with Michael Fullan to record a podcast where he discusses the impact deep learning can have on students.
Michael discusses the right drivers and the wrong drivers in education, and how using the right drivers – like collaboration and capacity building – is key to student success. He discusses his book Coherence
The Right Drivers in Action for Schools, Districts, and Systems (coauthored with Joanne Quinn) and how a system approach can lead to success for teachers and students. Michael also shares how deep learning is impactful for students, but especially impactful for students who are disconnected from school.
Listen to the podcast here: http://www.turnweb.org/podcasts/michael-fullan/
Capacity Building – Leadable – Efficiency is for Robots
/0 CommentsThe second of our “Leadables”- “Efficiency is for Robots”
A critical element of change leadership is “going slow to go fast”, but sometimes leaders need a short, sharp focus to generate professional learning conversations or for individual reflection.
Designed as “quick shots”, “Leadables” are intended to be used to provoke dialogue and focussed conversations around a variety of Leading, Teaching and Learning elements. Themes will be drawn from examples we are seeing in schools and organizations, questions we are encountering and new ideas and research around deep learning.
Artificial intelligence. On-line banking. Driverless cars. Tele-surgery. Robo accountants, lawyers, pilots. It’s incredible how those cheap little microchips that are preoccupied by algorithms can accomplish so much without ever taking a bathroom break! Robots are the paragon of efficiency!
Read on, reflect and take another look at our capacity building Teacher Self-Assessment tool.
Michael Fullan – Reflecting on School Leadership: An Australian Interview
/0 CommentsCapacity Building – Feature Stories – “asking So What?”
/0 CommentsIntroducing the first of our “Feature Stories”- “Asking So What”
Every day, in deep learning classrooms across the world, there are exciting, inspiring, and thought generating stories unfolding….stories that need to be told.
Our Feature stories are a helpful tool for capacity builders looking to ignite interest and generate discussion about what deep learning looks like.
In this Feature Story, read about learners who are prompted by the question “How can we use our learning to make a difference?” From the get go, the message to students is: this learning matters and you matter.
Download this feature story here.
Capacity Building – Leadable – Trusty Tools
/0 CommentsIntroducing the first of our “Leadables”- “Trusty Tools”
A critical element of change leadership is “going slow to go fast”, but sometimes leaders need a short, sharp focus to generate professional learning conversations or for individual reflection.
Designed as “quick shots”, “Leadables” are intended to be used to provoke dialogue and focussed conversations around a variety of Leading, Teaching and Learning elements. Themes will be drawn from examples we are seeing in schools and organizations, questions we are encountering and new ideas and research around deep learning.
Click here to access Leadable 1.1 – Trusty Tools, which focuses on how we can use the NPDL Learning Progressions.