Upcoming Webinar

As we continue to feature powerful thought leaders, and practical strategies for challenging times, we’re pleased to be able to offer an opportunity to see, hear and interact with Michael Fullan, NPDL Global Director.

Nuanced Leadership in a Time of Change: Opportunity Knocks

May 28, 4PM EST

As we head toward an unknown future can we find any silver linings that present an opportunity to innovate in a way that we might not have been able to without COVID?  In this webinar we will examine what kind of leadership will be required to achieve new breakthroughs.

Registration (free but required) https://bit.ly/2X69ZaK

Webinar Recording and assets available.

Joanne Quinn – Activating Deep Learning in Challenging Times

visit https://deep-learning.global// now

Website Updates

To reflect the new materials we are currently developing, as well as our growing catalogue of webinars and video clips, we have tweaked our website navigation menus.

The General Resources menu now includes General resources such as the Creativity Articles featured in recent mailouts. Sitting under the General resources menu are also pages featuring Webinars and Video Series links, Learning Partnership at Home and voices from the Field.

Thanks to our Uruguay Partners at Redglobal de Aprendizajes  we also link to a number of videos with Spanish Subtitles. Watch that space…more are on the way!


Members (once logged into the HUB) will also see expanded resources available under the Capacity Building menu – Capacity Building Resources.