NPDL Global Report

NPDL is happy to share our first Global Report, detailing early findings, key areas of learning, and insights to inform the future direction of our global partnership.
The work of teachers, school leaders, and other NPDL participants in Clusters across the globe is already making a difference for learners.

Teachers have measured the impact of NPDL tools and processes in developing the 6Cs, and are designing deep learning experiences that are meaningful to students, their families, and the world.

Download the report below, and see how teachers and other NPDL leaders are finding success using NPDL tools to develop deep learning outcomes on a global scale.

Download the report here:


Find your own Finland!

Having just spent a few (extraordinary) days in Helsinki with the new Finland #NPDL Leads it became immediately obvious that there is a powerful education reform in motion there. The Finnish commitment to excellence, developing more that academic proficiencies is a clear reality, and a hot conversation topic, globally.fincurric

Working with the Leads made it immediately clear that the NPDL tools and processes have the potential to add the “How” to the “Why” and the “What” of edu reform.

As Michael Fullan speaks to us through the blog linked below, simply transplanting any model of education shift is prone to contextual and nuanced challenges, So, acknowledging and recognising our Finnish colleagues work, aspirations, standards, achievements and drive; take heart, ideas and inspirations; seek and find your own Finland!


Michael’s blog post