Podcasts – Doubling Up – Mary Coverdale and Cristobal Cobo
NPDLConnect Podcast series
As we lead up to our Global Deep Learning Lab let’s double the thought leadership!
Mary Coverdale
Mary Coverdale has been the Assistant Regional Director in the North Coast Region of Australia, and has committed her career to improve public schools in her country. Her passion to support teachers to develop curious, civic-minded citizens, who love learning, has triggered her unstoppable curiosity on how to ensure teaching and learning in schools is relevant to the needs of students.
In this podcast Mary will discuss the ´human industry´ of education, explain how positive grass root movements impact policies and explore the connection between student voice and true democracy.
Cristóbal Cobo
Cristóbal Cobo (PhD) is Director of the Center for Research – CEIBAL Foundation in Uruguay, and also an associate researcher at the Oxford Internet Institute at University of Oxford.
In this podcast we discuss Cobo´s perspectives on innovation in education and on the feasibility of a ´future proof education´. We will go deeper into the ´what and why´ of the gaps between academic theory, research and everyday school practice.
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