Podcasts – Doubling Up – Mary Coverdale and Cristobal Cobo

NPDLConnect Podcast series

As we lead up to our Global Deep Learning Lab let’s double the thought leadership!

Mary Coverdale

Mary Coverdale has been the Assistant Regional Director in the North Coast Region of Australia, and has committed her career to improve public schools in her country. Her passion to support teachers to develop curious, civic-minded citizens, who love learning, has triggered her unstoppable curiosity on how to ensure teaching and learning in schools is relevant to the needs of students.

In this podcast Mary will discuss the ´human industry´ of education, explain how positive grass root movements impact policies and explore the connection between student voice and true democracy.


Cristóbal Cobo

Cristóbal Cobo (PhD) is Director of the Center for Research – CEIBAL Foundation in Uruguay, and also an associate researcher at the Oxford Internet Institute at University of Oxford.

In this podcast we discuss Cobo´s perspectives on innovation in education and on the feasibility of a ´future proof education´. We will go deeper into the ´what and why´ of the gaps between academic theory, research and everyday school practice.






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Podcast – Leading and Learning in Uruguay

NPDLConnect Podcast series

Leading and Learning in Uruguay

This week we are in Uruguay working with Mentors, Principals and System leaders further building understanding and capacity to strengthen the NPDL working over 400 schools across the country.

In this special edition of  our NPDL Podcasts (in Spanish) we will go in deep conversation with three key players of this work. We will hear how Uruguay interprets educational change and how it aims to capitalize on the generation of new knowledge and transform it into everyday educational improvement.

The Red Global is NPDL in Uruguay.  Across Uruguay more than 400 schools are engaged in the NPDL  learning partnership.

Claudia Brovetto is the Cluster Lead of Red Global. She talks about the challenges of generating educational change at a national scale and how to take advantage of the technological rich infrastructure that Uruguay has in order to accelerate results.

Our second podcast features Cristóbal Cobo, who directs the CEIBAL Foundation. This organization nourishes the project with academic research. In this dialogue we will talk about how to conceive and measure educational on a large scale and what information reflects genuine educational advances in a country with no centralized standards.

Finally, Ramón Silveira works in the Communication of the Red Global. In this conversation we will look at communication as a vital lever for change and it´s key role to position, extend and deepen the message of NPDL at a national level.

To learn more about #NPDL Cluster Uruguay visit redglobal.edu.uy


La Red Global de Aprendizajes es la implementación en Uruguay de #NPDL: New Pedagogies for Deep Learning. Esta iniciativa si bien comparte la misma visión direccional en siete países, pero alienta a los Clusters Nacionales miembro a emplear enfoques únicos para fomentar el cambio de acuerdo a los desafíos particulares de su contexto.

Uruguay, junto con Finlandia, es el país que más Centros Educativos ha integrado a la RED de #NPDL. En 2018, 420 Centros Educativos forman parte de este conglomerado.

En esta edición especial de #NPDL Podcasts en Español profundizaremos junto a 3 actores clave de esta iniciativa sobre la visión de cambio que interpreta Uruguay y cómo busca capitalizar la generación de conocimiento para transformarla en mejoras educativas cotidianas.

Claudia Brovetto lidera la Dirección Operativa de la Red Global desde el 2016. Conversaremos sobre los desafíos de generar un cambio educativo a nivel nacional y sobre cómo aprovechar las ventajas tecnológicas con que cuenta Uruguay para acelerar resultados.

Cristóbal Cobo, dirige la Fundación CEIBAL que nutre de investigación académica al proyecto. Intercambiaremos sobre lo que es posible medir a gran escala y qué información reflejan avances educativos genuinos.‏

Ramón Silveira trabaja en la Comunicación de la Red Global de Aprendizaje considerándola una palanca de cambio vital para posicionar, extender y profundizar el mensaje de la RED Global de Aprendizajes a nivel nacional.

Para conocer más visite redglobal.edu.uy

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Michael Fullan

Michael Fullan: The Critical Importance of Deep Learning for Students – Podcast

The Critical Importance of Deep Learning for Students

The Consortium for Educational Change http://www.cecweb.org recently sat down with Michael Fullan to record a podcast where he discusses the impact deep learning can have on students.

Michael discusses the right drivers and the wrong drivers in education, and how using the right drivers – like collaboration and capacity building – is key to student success. He discusses his book Coherence
The Right Drivers in Action for Schools, Districts, and Systems (coauthored with Joanne Quinn) and how a system approach can lead to success for teachers and students. Michael also shares how deep learning is impactful for students, but especially impactful for students who are disconnected from school.

Listen to the podcast here: http://www.turnweb.org/podcasts/michael-fullan/

Podcast – From Me to Us

NPDLConnect Podcast series


Human exchange in a ´digitalized´world has turned the capacity to collaborate into a vital skill to develop professional knowledge. 

John Mavorec sees this shift as a ´knowmad society´. Whereas industrial society required people to settle in one place and perform a specific function; technologies allow a new paradigm of workers to arise, performing from anywhere, re contextualizing their work environments and relationships. 

How does this new way of learning and develop talent is reflected in the ways we are re-thinking schools?

How can we capitalize the use of technology to develop meaningful professional exchanges, human and social capital?

In this Podcast three educators that are leading the shift from ´my school´ to ´our network´as New Zealand´s Ministry of Education furthers COLs –Communities of Learning– as a National strategy. 


To talk about what turns collaboration into a catalyzer of improvement in schools; Donna Buschanan (Addington School), Liz Williams (Sacred Heart School) and Chris Panther (Thorrington School) from Kahukura Cluster of Schools in Christchurch, New Zealand.

To Listen: Click the podcast below to hear Kerry right here and now or

listen in your browser (click here), or download the SoundCloud app from the AppStore or Google Play

Podcast – Scott Millman and Helen Leyden

NPDLConnect Podcast series

Between the macro and the micro level visions for educational change, and as we work on making change happen, there are gaps that sometimes end in superficial or false signals of change.
´Leadership from the middle´ has a pivotal role shaping implementation to achieve coherence, turning what education should be into what education really is in each country and community.
In this podcast, we will hear Helen and Scott’s thoughts about practicalities of change, re-professionalising teaching, grunt monkeys, designing beyond mediocrity and student agency, amongst others!

Helen Leyden is Deputy Principal of Teaching at Learning Sunshine Beach High School and Scott Millman is Head of Teaching and Learning at Nambour State College.  Helen and Scott have not only major roles in shaping NPDL implementation in their schools, but are also a force for local change in a 29 School NPDL Cluster in Queensland, Australia.

To Listen: Click the podcast below to hear Helen and Scott right here and now or

listen in your browser (click here), or download the SoundCloud app from the AppStore or Google Play

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Podcast – Derek Wenmoth

NPDLConnect Podcast series

Derek Wenmoth is the Director of eLearning for Core Education Ltd, a not for profit referential educational research and development organization in NZ.  Derek, and CORE, focus on transforming education in NZ by enabling modern learning. Derek is also Cluster Lead for New Pedagogies for Deep Learning, and has vast experience as a teacher and principal at the primary and secondary level in New Zealand.

Derek is regarded as one of New Zealand education’s foremost future-focused thinkers, and is regularly asked to consult with policy makers and government agencies regarding the future directions of New Zealand educational policy and practice.

In this Podcast Derek reflects on teacher agency, the historical legacy that holds us back from changing educational practice and the need to act with what he terms an ´8 wire mentality’.  It’s an interesting conversation about how and what should be improved to make schools relevant in the 21st century, without losing the essence of every community’s culture and identity.


Learn more about Derek Wenmoth or read his blog  or follow him on Twitter @dwenmoth

To Listen: Click the podcast below to hear Derek right here and now or

listen in your browser (click here), or download the SoundCloud app from the AppStore or Google Play

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Podcast – Michael Fullan part 2

NPDLConnect Podcast series

Michael Fullan – Part II.

In this Podcast Michael Fullan talks about the false signals of educational change. He shares his thoughts on what politicians usually overlook when aiming for equity worldwide. Michael reflects on the relationship between neuroscience and learning, the plasticity of the brain, the future emotional intelligence of robots and a book that stimulated his career.

If you are interested in reading about Michael Fullan, we share a list of his books:


To Listen: Click the podcast below to hear Michael right here and now or

listen in your browser (click here), or download the SoundCloud app from the AppStore or Google Play


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Podcast – Michael Fullan part 1

NPDLConnect Podcast series

Michael Fullan is a worldwide authority on educational reform.

Michael “walks the talk” by leading our NPDL Partnership – a global endeavor to shift pedagogy and deepen learning  in over 1000 schools in 7 countries.

A former Dean of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) of the University of Toronto, Michael advises policymakers and local leaders around the world to provide leadership in education, integrating solid academic knowledge and the undeniable (and often under looked) theoretical richness of everyday teacher practice.

Michael received the Order of Canada in December 2012, and holds honorary doctorates from several universities in North America and abroad, and yet, he is a constant learner, a careful listener, a gifted observer and a defiant voice advocating for the moral purpose of all children learning. His perspective on the why and how to shape a meaningful school system for the learners of today pushes the thinking of thousands of change makers around the world.

In this Podcast, Michael talks us though areas such as Whole system change in Finland, why we should not wait for politicians to start changing schools and the  relationship between equity and quality, amongst others!

If you are interested in reading about Michael Fullan, we share a list of his books:


To Listen: Click the podcast below to hear Michael right here and now or

listen in your browser (click here), or download the SoundCloud app from the AppStore or Google Play


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Podcast – Joanne Quinn

NPDLConnect Podcast series

Joanne Quinn leads the New Pedagogies for Deep Learning Capacity Building team,  inspiring change through the development of professional capital in 1000+ schools in 7 countries (Australia, Canada, Finland, Netherlands, New Zealand, United States and Uruguay).

Joanne has a coherent, grounded, innovative perspective of change. She has worked and led at every level of numerous educational systems as a teacher, a principal and systems leader. In our second podcast of this series, Joanne talks about making purposeful and meaningful connections, and the essence of the teaching profession.

Information about Joanne’s latest book, Coherence: The Right Drivers in Action for Schools (co-authored with Michael Fullan) is available here

To Listen: Click the podcast below to hear Joanne right here and now or

listen in your browser (click here), or download the SoundCloud app from the AppStore or Google Play


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Podcast – Alan November

We’re really pleased to be able to bring to you our

NPDLConnect Podcast series.

Over time, we will feature a variety of Thought Leaders and practitioners from across the globe.

Our aim is to provoke and challenge your thinking, and inform and support your leadership at classroom, school and district levels,

and address both  myths and facts about today´s educational challenges..


Our first podcast features Alan November and is available on SoundCloud 

Alan November thrives on confirming and challenging educators’ thoughts about what’s possible in the world of teaching and learning. More than anything, he is a teacher at heart, with a wealth of experience teaching learners of all ages.

Alan is an international leader in education technology. He began his career as an oceanography teacher and dorm counselor at an island reform school for boys in Boston Harbor. While Alan was a computer science teacher in Lexington, MA, he was probably the first teacher in the world to have a student project on line in 1984, a database for the handicapped. He has been director of an alternative high school, computer coordinator, technology consultant and university lecturer. He has helped schools, governments and industry leaders improve the quality of education through technology. You can learn more about Alan and his work here

To Listen:

Click the podcast below to hear Alan right here and now

listen in your browser (click here),

or download the SoundCloud app from the AppStore or Google Play
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